
Current Series

Great Verses in Search of a Chapter

Have you ever heard someone take a quote completely out of context? Maybe it was from an interview or someone remembering a conversation. It can be so disheartening or even infuriating to see someone’s words used in a way that misrepresents their idea or position. Even worse, it can harm their reputation or hurt a good cause.

You may not realize it, but we can have a tendency to do the same things with God’s Words. Too often, we can take a perfectly good sounding verse, pluck it right from the chapter and use it in way that feels right, but points people further away from the Good News we have through Jesus. Even worse, we can use these verses in ways that can misrepresent God’s heart for His people, and even reinforce evil, brokenness, and sin.

In this series, we are going to place these verses back in their chapters, see the fullness of what they mean. We will discover how these fuller passages can actually bring us to a better understanding of God’s heart for us and how we can live more fully as His people in our church, families, and community.

Peeled: Cultivating What’s Underneath

Have you ever seen an apple tree grow lemons? Of course not! In fact, one of the ways we identify plants and trees is by the kind of fruit it produces. Being a follower of Jesus is a lot like growing a certain kind of tree. Too often the world sees Christians and feel like we claim to be one kind of tree but our fruit looks totally different. So what does the fruit of a Christian look like? Join us as we peel back what it looks like to cultivate a fruit that not only changes our lives but our communities and our world for the better in our new teaching series PEELED: Cultivating What’s Underneath”


It is easy to mistake the Old Testament for being the part of the Bible all about rules and a frustrated God working on a broken world. But what if we took time to see how God's plan of forgiveness and restoration started at the very beginning - all the way back in Genesis?

As we begin our 40-day journey toward Easter on February 18th, join us in our series Broken. During this series, we will explore key figures in Genesis and see how God takes broken people, brings forgiveness and ultimately brings restoration to them and us through Jesus.

Life On the Rock

Jesus had much to teach about wisdom and what it means to live in this world. In this world, we look around and see negative actions that can creep into our lives. Actions like anger, lying, cursing, arrogance, and worry. Jesus shares His wisdom about these in His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. At the conclusion of this section of teaching, He said, “Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does this will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24) We want to be like the wise man. Over the next five weeks, we will reflect on Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount and, we will take on some practical habits that can help us live in His wisdom today. We do not do these things to earn God’s love but instead because, as Jesus says of His own teaching, “those who hear My words and do them is like a wise person.” I pray that this season will be one where we reflect and learn from Jesus’ wisdom as we live our lives built on the rock of Jesus. ~ Pastor Dave

With God - an Advent Series

The anticipation of Christmas can lead to re-evaluating what matters when it comes to our relationship with God. This year, we will focus on what it means to be with God - or more importantly, what it means for God to be with us

Reformation Sunday 2023

It is Reformation Sunday! This weekend we celebrate when God reformed His church from thinking that their good works led to salvation, to knowing that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. We sing proudly 'A Mighty Fortress Is Our God' and declare that God alone is our refuge, our strength, and our fortress.

Everyday Church

This sermon series is based on 1 Peter and from the book “Everyday Church” by Tim Chester. The church is a place that calls us to community, evangelism, care for one another, and hope. 

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