
Welcome to our Community

We are so happy you are here, and would love to get to know you over a cup of coffee. Really.  Whether you have attended for a while or are brand new, we would love to hear your story, answer any questions about the church, and tell you a little about us. Fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly.

Meet with a Pastor

Webster Connects Classes

Are you new to Webster Gardens and interested in learning more about our church? We begin our Webster Connects series with an introduction luncheon, followed by membership classes held four Sundays from 9:25-10:20am in Classrooms A & B.  These classes help participants learn about our WG culture and values, and also offer opportunities for participants to form relationships with other members of our community, meet our pastors, find a place to connect, and identify your next steps of commitment, including membership.  Please contact Stephanie Bowman, our Director of Connections, at (314) 961-5275 or to get started.

WC Session dates and sign up
