Brian King
Pastor of Family Ministry
I partner with families and children from birth through eighth grade, so that parents and kids grow in their faith in Jesus. I get to experience the joy of baptizing babies, coming alongside parents as they open their Bibles with the children, and go on retreats with middle school students who are preparing to confirm who they are as members of God’s family. God led me here by placing great leaders in my path who have inspired me to serve in ministry. Starting with a background in youth ministry, I’m most passionate about seeing families grow in their faith together and live a life with meaning and purpose that only comes from knowing Christ. I’ve been at Webster Gardens since 1998, and I was ordained as Pastor in 2011. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and then gained my Master of Theology at Concordia Seminary.
I’m blessed to be married to Liz since 1998, and we have a son, Simon, who is in high school and a daughter, Alice, who is in middle school. Liz and I moved to St Louis when I was invited to join the team at Webster Gardens. We didn’t know how long we’d be here (a couple years? Five years?), but we fell in love with this congregation and have been here ever since. The people are welcoming, and I don’t know anyone I’d rather serve with than God’s people at Webster Gardens. We’re blessed to be able to raise our kids in a community centered on Jesus! Bonus evidence: over the years, we’ve imported both sets of our parents from Michigan to St Louis who became members at Webster Gardens. Outside of ministry, I love to draw, especially cartoons. I also like reading and watching Bill Murray movies (others movies too, but I didn’t want to be too vague). I’ve also never seen a documentary that I didn’t like. I have gone for an annual skydive for the past 10 years, and something you also might find interesting about me is that I can say, “The horns of a mountain goat can be used as bugles” in over 20 different languages.