Volunteering for VBS

Below you will find different volunteer opportunities exist for all ages, abilities, and schedules. Help during the VBS week or with prep work beforehand – we are glad to have your assistance. 

How Does VBS Work?

Elementary children are grouped into mixed-age “crews” of about five children with one adult or teenage Crew Leader. Preschool children are grouped into their own preschool crews with an adult Crew Leader. Each morning, VBS starts with an opening worship of music, skits, and video. Then preschool crews head into the preschool area, and elementary crews head to the elementary area. Crews rotate between 20-minute stations such as KidVid Cinema, Games, Snacks, Bible Discovery, and Imagination Station, then reunite for the fun finale!

Positions Working with Kids

  • Elementary Adult Leader (NO PREP NEEDED)- Guide four Middle School and High School Crew Leaders as they lead mixed-age elementary crews from station to station, helping them engage with the stations and with each other.
  • Elementary Crew Leader – Guide a mixed-age group of about five-eight children from station to station, helping them engage with the stations and with each other.
  • Elementary Stations:  Bible Adventures, Crafts, Games, Kid Vid Cinema, and Snack Helpers – Lead a single station. Prep only about 20 minutes of daily work, which gets repeated throughout the morning as different kids rotate to your station. Guides and materials provided.
  • Preschool Crew Leader – Guide a preschool-age group of five or fewer children from station to station, helping them engage with the stations and with each other.
  • Preschool Stations:  Bible Adventures, Crafts, Games – Lead a single station within the preschool area. Prep only about 20 minutes of daily work, which gets repeated throughout the morning as different kids rotate to your station. Guides and materials provided.
  • Preschool Homeroom Leader (NO PREP NEEDED) – Be the lead person in one of the preschool homerooms. Assist crew leaders in signing preschoolers in and out, and help crew leaders keep their kids together and move from station to station.
  • Music Helpers – Help the music team lead children in song.
  • Nurse – oversee First Aid Station.  
  • Nursery Attendants – Watch the children of our volunteers who are too young to participate in the program.
  • Photographers / Spotlight VBS – Take pictures of children participating in different activities and stations throughout the week.  Share pictures in slideshow presentations on the screen in the Sanctuary.
  • Special Needs Helpers – This important role assists children who need a little extra help throughout the week.
  • Floaters – Be assigned to an open position that occurs on that day or buddy up with a kid who needs some extra love and attention.


  • Decorations Team– Use your creative abilities in the weeks prior to VBS to create and/or set up decorations for the sanctuary, narthex, hallways, and entrance.  On the Saturday prior to VBS, many extra volunteers will help the Decorations Team post crew signs and room signage, decorate station rooms under the direction of station leaders, and set up decorations in all main areas of the church.   
  • Set Construction Team– Work with Decorations Team by building complex decorations, designing/building the "Set" which is in the front of the sanctuary, may include wood-working/etc.
  • Open/Close Props & Extras–  Work with Open/Close leaders to choose and secure/purchase props that complement the script for the opening and closing messages each day of VBS.  This team does the procurement work before VBS, but can also join in the opening and closing messages as "extras" if your schedule permits.


  • VBS Supplies Collection & Purchasing Team –This pre-event volunteer team helps manage all the supplies needed for VBS.  They will help sort donations that come from the congregation as well as purchase other supplies as needed.
  • Sorting T-Shirts and CDs into Family Bags – Prework before VBS week.  Assemble family bags with t-shirts, cds, and other information as needed.


  • Registration Helpers – During VBS, welcome pre-registered participants/families, hand out family bags, sign up walk-ins, etc. 
  • Volunteer Check-in – Help check-in and distribute information to volunteers each morning.
  • Crew Leader Helpers – Put out materials in the morning, help crew leaders between 8 and 8:30 to pick up any materials they need and find their spots in pews, make copies, run, etc.
  • Mission Team--Help Mission Leader with Outreach project, collecting/organizing monetary donations throughout the week


  • Soundboard – Work the soundboard during VBS opening and closing each day. Requires prior knowledge/experience running the soundboard at Webster Gardens.
  • Screen Operator – Are you handy with technological things? Help troubleshoot any issues we have and run Spotlight Video from the balcony booth during closing.

6 Weeks - VBS Weekly Prayer:

WEEK 1: May 19

“Dear God, thank you for going before us as we prepare for VBS. Help us meet any need of supplies, decorations, and volunteers we may have. Thank you for the opportunity to pour into the lives of these kids in deep and meaningful ways. We pray that above all else you are glorified in our VBS. Amen.”

WEEK 2: May 26

“Lord, be with our staff and leaders as they plan, prepare and put on our VBS this year. Keep them healthy in body and mind before, during and after VBS. Allow opportunities for them to share the good
news of who you are with kids. Give them creative ideas to reach children, give them peace when times get stressful, and fill their hearts with joy as they faithfully complete their work. Amen.”

WEEK 3: June 2

“Lord, thank you for the volunteers you have brought to serve at VBS. Fill their hearts with your love and patience to be poured out upon the kids. Give them strength, health, and an overwhelming joy to
serve! We pray that our volunteers are given the opportunity to help children experience you and that they would grow closer to you. Amen.”

WEEK 4: June 9

“Jesus, we pray that through VBS, kids in our community will grow in their relationship with you. We ask that you begin to break down any walls that might be preventing their young hearts from receiving your
love. We ask that the truth of who you are sinks deep into their hearts. Let them leave knowing who you are and the overwhelming joyful love you have for each and every one of them. May the impact of
VBS last a lifetime. Amen.”

WEEK 5: June 16

“God, let our church be a great influence in our community through our VBS. We want your perfect love to be at the foundation of our city, and we pray that we spread your love. Let our doors be open and our hearts be welcoming to all kids and their families. Let your goodness shine through us. Amen.”

WEEK 6: June 23

“Heavenly Father, let the changes in kids’ hearts this past week be an inspiration to their families. Let parents and caretakers pursue a deeper relationship with you. Let family connections grow stronger, deeper, and focused on you. Give kids strength to stand firmly rooted in their faith and relationship with you. Amen.”
